lesbennest: I will always love you
We have been together for ten years. Von DENICE BOURBON
We have been together for ten years. Von DENICE BOURBON
Sexual compatibility is essential. Von DENICE BOURBON
Denice prefers the lazy-ass version of tribbing. Von DENICE BOURBON
When I realized that my love affair with feminism was going to be a lifelong relationship. Von DENICE BOURBON
I have a new job to add to my very „interesting“ CV: Porn Curator! Von DENICE BOURBON
I finally did it!! I went to… drum roll please… LESBOS! Von DENICE BOURBON
“Oh honey! You’re so funny and fabulous, you don’t seem like a lesbian at all!!!” Von DENICE
Since last autumn yours truly, the self-proclaimed Queen of the Sluts, has made out with 0 women*. Von DENICE
I just saw this interview with Hermann Maier, aka “The Herminator”. Von DENICE
To celebrate my 30th birthday I decided to give myself the gift of a long and healthy life. Von DENICE
5 years ago the team of an.schläge asked me if I would consider writing the “lesbennest”. Von DENICE
So, I got the invitation for my 20th highschool reunion. Von DENICE
When I’m writing this I’m on a well deserved vacation in northern Italy. Von DENICE
Ten years ago I was still convinced that one of the most important weapons in our feminist struggle was the open and public display of (female*) body hair. Von DENICE
I have a chronic disease; I am suffering from hard-core envy of cool people. Von DENICE
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